Friday 26 January 2018

Bang Bang You're Dead

As with many others, I am bewildered by America's attitude to guns. It seems that no outrage is too great for them to do anything about it.

Bang Bang You're Dead
Bang Bang you're dead
said the cowboy
as he roamed the Wild West
Apache, Pawnee, Sioux or Crow?
Old white hat probably didn't know
when he shot him in the chest

Bang Bang you're dead
said the gangster
in the bar in Chicago
His rival was just selling booze
Now his photo's in the news
for drawing slower than his foe

Bang Bang you're dead
said the policeman
in an alley in New York
The young man who was running
just never saw the bullet coming
as it made its deadly mark

Bang Bang you're dead
said the addict
as he robbed the family man
who tried to pull his own gun out
and win the deadly street shootout
but it didn't go to plan

Bang Bang you're dead
said the toddler
when he reached in mommy's purse
and found her dinky little gun
that didn't have the safety on
a life of guilt will be his curse

Bang Bang you're dead
said the loner
as he walked into that school
armed to the teeth with bitter hate
teachers and kids all met their fate
never again he'd be labelled "fool"

Bang Bang you're dead
said the bigot
as he let loose fire and hell
he'll make the country great again
a torrent of blood red angry rain
of a thousand repeating rifle shells 

Bang Bang you're dead
said the President
as he gave the executive order
to send the missiles crashing down
on the devastated war torn town
by some distant lonely border

Bang Bang you're dead
said the nation
called the brave land of the free
where killing sprees and random death
follow the Reaper's icy breath
stuck on repeat
on repeat
on repeat
on repeat
for all eternity.

(c) Tim Fellows 2018

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