Tuesday 31 October 2017

Dancing Lights

There are many stories of miners experiencing supernatural phenomena underground - this is one I made up.

Alone at the edge of the working day
Deep down below with just my lamp
I caught, in the corner of my eye,
Something that almost made me gasp
Along the swallowing darkened track
where the only colour should be black -
far flickering, dancing, lights

I turned my head so I could not see
the vision that icily clamped my heart
the thing that really should not be
where no man's hand could play a part;
I dare not move, my eyes were closed
I steeled myself to be composed
and look towards the dancing lights

My throat was dry as I turned my head
and took another nervous look
could my mind have been misled?
What possible things had I mistook?
But no, they were still there - closer now
than before; I swear, I vow
I saw those fearful dancing lights

My leaden feet were bolted down
as the lights drew ever near
then I faintly heard some muffled sounds
through the pounding in my ears
Scraping, hacking, scraps of chat;
a single laugh then more to add
echoing round the dancing lights

A crashing sound deep from the murk
and one by one out popped the lights
then my lamp too, the blackest dark
smothered me and held me tight 
as a rush of biting ice-air blew
deep through my soul and I truly knew
the essence of the dancing lights

At work, in pubs, they mocked, they laughed
"Spooky's coming", they might say, or
"Here's our Ghostbuster" as they passed;
But until the day I breathe no more
I'll tell my tale, at whatever cost,
of the souls of brother pitmen lost
and their beautiful, awesome dancing lights

(c) Tim Fellows 2017

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