Friday 19 May 2017

Dear Cancer

I decided to try a "poetry prompt" from the internet. I picked one that suggested writing a letter starting "Dear..." where the writer and the receiver were in conflict so it wasn't really "Dear" at all.

This is it.....

Dear Cancer
I am writing today to ask if you will
be a bit more careful about who you kill

In fact, I'd consider it long overdue
if you decided that killing was just not for you

If you could retire from your morbid old task
And take a permanent break, that's all that I ask

If you took a vacation, and never came back;
I might even generously cut you some slack.

I'd argue perhaps it's not really your fault
We don't help ourselves - but just call a halt

We have our poor lifestyles of that there's no doubt
But children, Cancer, what's that all about?

You show no mercy, so why should I?
You don't care if we live or we die 

So don't take offence, but I long for the day
When you just quietly slip far away

Flee, split, depart, scram, or just scoot
Walk, run, swim, hop - I don't give a hoot

So please, and without any further ado,
just go away, Cancer; we'll do without you.

Yours faithfully....

(C) Tim Fellows 2017

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