Friday 24 November 2017

Big Man

Recently President Donald J Trump decided to rescind a ban on importing animal parts into the USA from Africa - opening the way for "big game hunters" like his sons to bring back the heads of elephants, lions and cheetahs. He has since suspended the decision after an outcry.

This is what I think about it.

Big Man

I'm a big man, see me preen
on a photo that was taken
with a lion that I shot
when I was on vacation
All the way to Africa
in my Safari suit
There's lots of sexy animals there
that I so yearned to shoot

And now our fine new President
says that it's OK
to take my guns to the Savannah
so I can blast away

But only from a distance
in the comfort of my Jeep
Ideally I'd blast that cheetah
when it was fast asleep
then wrap my arms around its neck
holding it so tight
it's blood soaked spots so carefully
hidden out of sight

If I really were a big man
I'd take that creature down
with just my own bare hands
and take his furry crown

I'd wrestle with that rhino,
punch it til it's dead
I'd need no guide to help me
sever its glistening head

To put over my mantelpiece
and boast to all my friends
that I was the one, the big man
who put it to its end

But I hide behind my massive gun
like the coward that I am
For the future of the species
I don't give a damn

Well, big man, are you happy now?
that no elephants might remain
in their natural habitat
oblivious to their pain -
what is it, in your perverted head
when you meet their glassy eyes
over your roaring, crackling fire
admiring your bloody prize?

Your pride is a sick cancer
on the human race
that you feel the need to kill and maim
is a horrible disgrace
the creatures that you slaughter
have beauty, they have grace
I'd love to see them wipe that smile
from your smug, fat, decadent face

(c) Tim Fellows 2017

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

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