Sunday 20 December 2020

Season's Greetings

It's that time of year; when I publish my cheery Christmas poem. 

Season's Greetings

Hark, the postman's at the door!
Cards fall on the hallway floor
Sent by people we don't see
from January to January.

Wise old Magi, magic star,
red breasted birds - sent from far
and wide - and now the date
has passed to send one back! Too late.

We forgot our Joan and Bill, but still
we were never going in their will.

Tim Fellows December 2020

Image by Jenny Nguyen from Pixabay


The Colours of Her Skirt

Based on a memory, which may be unreliable, from some time in the 1960s.  With thanks to Sarah Wimbush and Ian Parks for editing and for the...